What is a Serigraph?
I would often receive a blank stare when asked what I did...
...and I responded "a serigrapher"
No... not a Stenographer. Then I would have to explain. Eyes would glass over. Sometimes I would just say that it was like being a "legal art forger". Others equated it to being a Ghost Writer. I considered it more akin to being an Art Translator.
The challenge is to take an original artwork (produced through a variety of mediums) and translate it through the silk screen process into a fine art print. This was all done by hand without digital assistance.
Various mediums and techniques need to be emulated in a way that feels natural to the original, even though it is being re-created through an entirely different process. One that has technical limitations, unlike the original method. This is why I considered it Art Translation.
There are no real rules aside from the basics of the process. Each atelier has their own techniques. The art of being a serigrapher, is to be exacting and true to the original, while at the same time being as efficient as possible.
That was the game for me... it's like chess with colour. Colour Math.
More info coming soon!
More info coming here as well...
“Draughtsmen may be made, but colorists are born.”